author - radio DJ

New author alert!

The Straits Times newspaper in Singapore will be putting up an article soon about my first foray into being a fiction writer!


Is anybody buying and reading novels these days? Watching Netflix dominates so many of our lives, and how can we fight against that - the content is just so high quality and numerous these days. But nonetheless, I am making a stab at the publishing industry. I’m an old soul and it’s been a lifelong aspiration to see my novel on a bookshelf.

If you are a reader of crime thrillers, I hope this book will be right up your murderous alley. The Short Life of Raven Monroe is set in modern day Missouri, and begins with the awful events of a September morning school shooting. The subsequent life of a grieving mother is a harrowing revelation, and a startling new perspective on America and the gun culture in that country.